Caps Collection
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About Me
My Caps
Caps for Trade
Guest Book



Albania (3)

Angola (1)

Argentina (40)

Armenia (6)

Australia (82)

Austria (270)

Barbados (2)

Belgium (542)

Benin (2)

Bolivia (2)

Bosnia & H. (4)

Brazil (61)

Bulgaria (44)

Burkina Faso (1)

Burma (3)

Cambodia (1)

Cameroon (12)

Canada (206)

Cape Verde (1)

Chile (3)

China (25)

Colombia (15)

Congo (7)

Costa Rica (15)

Croatia (47)

Cuba (9)

Cyprus (2)

EX-Czechoslovakia (520)

Denmark (288)

Dominicana (4)

Ecuador (5)

Egypt (9)

El Salvador (2)

Equatorial Guinea (3)

Estonia (92)

Ethiopia (4)

Finland (93)

France (165)

Gabon (2)

Georgia (3)

Germany (1554)

Ghana (26)

Great Britain (191)

Greece (16)

Guatemala (1)

Honduras (2)

Hungary (110)

Iceland (6)

India (16)

Indonesia (5)

Ireland (31)

Israel (13)

Italy (136)

Ivory Coast (19)

Jamaica (6)

Japan (8)

Kazakhstan (19)

Kenya (11)

Korea (8)

Kyrgystan (1)

Laos (2)

Latvia (121)

Lebanon (5)

Liechtenstein (1)

Lithuania (247)

Luxembourg (25)

Madagascar (1)

Malaysia (1)

Malawi (1)

Malta (9)

Mauritius (2)

Mexico (43)

Moldova (5)

Montenegro (4)

Morocco (7)

Mozambique (3)

Namibia (4)

Nepal (3)

Netherlands (387)


New Zealand (17)

Niger (1)

Nigeria (26)

Norway (29)

Palestine (1)

Panama (2)

Peru (9)

Philippines (4)

Poland (1019)

Portugal (134)

Puerto Rico (2)

RSA (32)

Romania (64)

Russia (628)

San Marino (2)

St. Vincent & the Grenadines (1)

Sao Tome e Principe (2)

Senegal (1)

Serbia (11)

Seychelles (1)

Singapore (2)

Slovenia (25)

Spain (323)

Sri Lanka (7)

Suriname (1)

Sweden (94)

Switzerland (123)

Syria (1)

Taiwan (2)

Tajikistan (1)

Tanzania (2)

Thailand (8)

Togo (8)

Trinidad & Tobago (4)

Tunesia (1)

Turkey (22)

Uganda (2)

Ukraine (275)

Uruguay (4)

USA (354)

Uzbekistan (1)

Venezuela (29)

Vietnam (7)

White Russia (30)

Zambia (2)

Zimbabwe (2)

Bacardi Breezer (18)

Unknown Caps ???


Soft Drinks

Coca Cola (516)

Fanta (241)

Sprite (135)

Algeria (3)

Argentina (47)

Armenia (2)

Australia (1)

Austria (35)

Azerbaijan (2)

Belgium (145)

Bosnia & H (1)

Brasil (9)

Bulgaria (9)

Cameroon (5)

Canada (4)

Cape Verde (1)

Chile (3)

China (11)

Colombia (4)

Costa Rica (9)

Croatia (13)

Ex-Czechoslovakia (120)

Denmark (179)

Dominicana (1)

Ecuador (2)

Egypt (13)

Equatorial Guinea (1)

Estonia (2)

Ethiopia (1)

Finland (5)

France (28)

Georgia (4)

Germany (167)

Ghana (11)

Great Britain (5-)

Greece (15)

Guyana (1)

Hungary (11)

Iceland (1)

India (13)

Indonesia (17)

Iraq (14)

Ireland (8)

Israel (6)

Italy (257)

Ivory Coast (11)

Jamaica (2)

Jordan (1)

Kenya (1)

Korea (2)

Latvia (4)

Lebanon (1)

Lithuania (5)

Luxembourg (5)

Lybia (2)

Malawi (1)

Malta (19)

Malaysia (1)

Mexico (10)

Moldova (3)

Morocco (11)

the Netherlands (114)

Nigeria (11)

Norway (6)

Pakistan (2)

Panama (2)

Peru (3)

Philippines (2)

Poland (211)

Portugal (127)

Romania (19)

Russia (63)

Rwanda (1)

Serbia (2)

Singapore (1)

Slovenia (5)

Sri Lanka (1)

Spain (357)

Sweden (34)

Switzerland (21)

Thailand (13)

Togo (5)

Trinidad & Tobago (1)

Tunesia (7)

Turkey (23)

Ukraine (16)

Uruguay (6)

USA (143)

Venezuela (10)

Zimbabwe (2)




Welcome to my web site!


This is still a trial version of the web page with my collection of caps. Almost all of my caps can be seen here now. However, due to the large amount of trades, there are frequent changes and updates.


New caps

No updates recently


Coming soon:

Many new caps soon :)
And even more caps soon ;)



Piotr Kozlowski


This page was last updated on 17-02-2017.